Email Formatter

Learn how to use our email formatter feature.

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Email Formatter

Our email formatter allows you to easily create a list of student emails based on the filters you apply to reach out to students.

Once you select the email formatter, you will see a list of all students currently in your classes along with their email addresses.


You can easily filter this list according to DeltaMath data by following the steps below.

In the first drop-down, select an assignment.

In the second drop-down, choose “Complete” to filter by completion percentage or “Grade” to filter by grade percentage.


Note: Remember that the grade percentage and the completion percentage can differ based on accuracy or late work.

In the third drop-down, select an inequality.

Next, enter a numerical value.


Example: For the image to the right, you will receive a list of student emails that correspond to students who currently have a grade lower than 70% on the Unit 2 Homework assignment.

In the final drop-down, select your class(es).
Once all of your filters are set, click the “filter” button.
This will generate a list of email addresses corresponding to students who meet the selected criteria. Copy and paste the list into your preferred email provider.

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